Tuesday, December 20, 2011

[Toys] Transformers Dark Of The Moon: Deluxe Optimus Prime

Yet another item from the generous GeneralTekno. Optimus is another character I don't own any movie toys for, and my Optimus toys in general are pretty sparse. So it's nice to have something to represent that coldblooded murderer we all look up to in the movie trilogy. Onto the review!

Optimus Prime is a very prominent character in the movie toyline, almost as prominent as the kid-appeal Bumblebee. We've had Legends, we've had Voyagers, we've had Leaders, we've had Optimus show up in just about every single type of movie-related merchandise, even roleplay weapons and a helmet. But with the coming of DOTM, we get one new iteration of him we didn't quite have before; That lovable $10 Deluxe scale. No one saw it coming.

As far as the alt mode goes, he's pretty much spot-on. Much smaller than you're probably assuming going off this picture, but all the detail gets in there. Right down to the paint job, it's movie Optimus.

Odd detail about the back end; there's a trailer hitch but the obvious hole for it is filled in. I'm not sure why they didn't go ahead and make it a legitimate trailer hitch point, given how it's solid enough to be one. But then again, I don't have any trailers to put in there, so...

Robot mode looks more or less as close as they could get at this small scale. I like their dedication to trying. The place where it falls short is the arms, which are vastly unpainted. I think it could look awesome if it had some more color, as is it feels... prototype-ish. Once again he's pretty small here, especially when you're keeping in mind how big Optimus supposed to be next to his comrades. I like this myself because it saves desk space.

No DOTM figure is complete without a ridiculous Mech Tech weapon. Optimus comes with a pretty nicely designed blaster with the activation trigger disguised as a sniping scope. The colors on this totally feel like a Bumblebee type of weapon though, dunno why they choice these colors. Anyway, you pull the trigger, an axe flips out from the side. Ridiculous, but in a sorta awesome way.

Optimus Prime would like me to tell you he is a fantastic figure, and that you must buy him and support his cause. But overall, it's... an alright figure I guess. If you really want Optimus, can't afford the bigger renditions and don't like the look of the smaller ones, this is a pretty decent middle ground. You also get a Mech Tech weapon that looks pretty cool in its deactivated mode. I think it would probably work in your favor a lot more if you like painting, because some added paint here and there would really help this guy look loads better.

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