Tuesday, May 4, 2010

[Toys] Souchaku Henshin Series: Kamen Rider Torodoki

So, another one of these guys. I waited three weeks for this to arrive, and it finally came. Eheheeeh eBay. But hey, it was $11, so it's not too much of a big deal.

With that out of the way, let us review the Oni of thunder... Todoroki, the Matsuda of the Hibiki cast.

Todoroki is pretty cool to say the least. But since I need to actually pad this out, where do I begin?... The articulation is the same as the Hibiki I reviewed not too long ago, but thankfully did not come with any broken parts. Also, don't be fooled by the pictures; he's QUITE green. Which I found kind of disappointing, as I thought his costume was black. Turns out the color of the show costumes changes depending on the lighting. Odd.

Todoroki has a pretty fair amount of accessories. The armor, like with all Hibiki Riders, is very sparse and allows for less chunkiness. Todoroki has even LESS armor thanks to the way it's designed, which is nice I guess. Anyway, to go onto the actual accessories...

Todoroki comes with his Onjou (wrist Henshin device) in its closed and open forms. Totally random to have BOTH formations here, but appreciated. Especially since it's not freakin' huge like Hibiki's tuning fork. That thing would pass as a weapon.

He of course comes with his weapon, the Ongekigen Retsurai (or "wicked awesome guitar") in its blade mode and guitar mode. Once more, unusual that they give both versions here, but once more, appreciated. This means you could technically have a weapon for a buddy. Also, I really dig the overall look of the weapons - Very intricate detailing on the base. Pictures cannot do it justice, but it has this sort of gear styled detailing.

The belt buckle (which I may add is called the Ongekishin Raigou) is, like with Hibiki, removable. It attaches to the guitar in its guitar mode (not in the blade mode), allowing him to unleash his epic musical skills. Thankfully, the figure is just articulated to allow him to get into some nice performing poses.

Todoroki's disc animals look pretty cool. And to my surprise, he has a peg on the inner half of his left wrist for attaching them to, much like his Henshin device worked in the show. I thought that was a nice detail. Well done!

  Todoroki is a redeco of Zanki (or is Zanki the redeco?), his mentor, so you've got two options: One that has silver and one that has bronze. Variety! There's not much to say about that, really.

So! Overall... Is he worth it? Certainly! I have a friend who bought Zanki just because he had a guitar. If you like the design, go for it, he's cool! If you own Zanki, then... if you like Todoroki, I guess that's the draw. Because, honestly, as far as I know he and Zanki are identical aside from color. So, just do as you wish.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading. Stay tuned for more!

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