Incidentally, quite a while after these pictures were originally taken, one of the figures suffered some major arm damage which essentially involved the forearm being nearly split in half. I'll leave that out of the review since it seems kind of random and not worth factoring into my thoughts.
Now, are you [RE-A-DY]?
IXA is from the Kamen Rider Kiva series. The show had two different storylines - one taking place in 2008, the then-current time and following Kiva, and 1984, following Kiva's father. The IXA suit was present in both storylines but was used by two different characters, so to differentiate them a bit the visor piece is split open on the more modern version.
The Motion Revive series released both figures in the same wave, labeled as Save Mode (left) and Burst Mode (right.) They are separate releases, the bodies are identical aside from the head, and come with a fairly limited set of items I admit. They both come with one alternate splayed open hand (rather than a full pair on both figures), and both had a removable IXA Knuckle (transformation device) on the belt. Careful with that piece, it may be prone to falling off.
The articulation on these guys is identical, and standard for Motion Revive. The only things I think are limited are the waist because of his rather large torso armor, and I will say despite how bulky the shoulders are, they still have a great range of motion, which you wouldn't expect.
One of them - probably Save Mode here - came with a slightly larger (unpainted...) version of the IXA Knuckle which could be held for his IXA Knuckle Rise Up finisher move. Also included is the IXA Calibur, IXA's gun/sword weapon. Save Mode comes with it in gun formation.
Burst Mode comes with the IXA Calibur in its sword formation, but apart from that, nothing I haven't mentioned already. It's a nice looking sword though.
The accessory count is kind of weak in the individual figures, but I think this is because they're meant to be together; the accessory count is interesting because it basically mirrors the SH Figuarts release which comes with the IXA Calibur in its two formations, a removable IXA Knuckle with an addition one which can be held, alternate hands, and an alternate head.
If you toss the spare body aside, you basically have a miniature Figuarts IXA. But don't hold me to that.
Overall, I'm satisfied. If you want an IXA at this scale, go for it, especially if you can get both versions. Between them is a nice variety of accessories and play value. And also, given Kiva was popular during the time the Motion Revive series was still active, these guys have a bit more care put into the paint quality, so you're getting a great deal. Go for it.
That said, I may be getting more reviews up shortly. Still waiting on Metaltron...
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