Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Out with the old...

Hey, half-dozen viewers. Just a thing I felt like mentioning.

Back when I started this blog I had a ton of reviews up on Livejournal and DeviantART, and when I made this blog I decided to try and occasionally slip in a review I've done prior in order to provide a lot of content, but due to one reason or another (likely laziness) I've taken so long to do so that I actually do not even care about posting old reviews anymore. Besides that, I've gotten rid of a lot of my Transformers, a lot of which were old reviews, so those reviews don't mean so much anymore since I don't have a more recent opinion to add to them.

Basically what this means is I've deleted the two or three I actually did repost here, and will continue to just review stuff I haven't reviewed yet, be it newly obtained or something sitting around that's caught my attention.

Also, I removed the "reviews" tag because quite honestly, it's a stupid tag when 99% of my posts here are in fact reviews.

Just thought I'd bring that up. Table of contents linked on the right has also been updated with everything that's currently posted. Dunno if I can keep it updated constantly, but at least it's relevant again.


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