Monday, July 16, 2012

[Toys] TASM - Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man

With no particularly clever opening picture, let's go ahead and look at this guy.

After seeing the movie, I felt compelled to get a figure of this guy, cause I kinda really like the suit design. This thing stands at roughly 4" tall. As it turns out, there are as many Spider-Man suits in this movie toyline as there are armor designs in Iron Man's toyline. So, the one you'd want to look for is titled "Ultra-Poseable Spider-Man." More on that prefix in a bit.

First thing's first, the paint on this is really nice. I believe it's molded in red plastic with the blue and all painted on. The only thing missing is the black webbing, which is simply molded in. There's a faint bit of black paint on the head and legs, oddly. Despite that lack of black, it looks really nice and all the important details are in there.

The reason this guy is specifically given the prefix "Ultra-Poseable" is, in fact, because he is more poseable than his fellow figures in the toyline. What it has that the others lack is ankle joints, balljointed thighs, and swivel joints in various places. The articulation is surprisingly on par with that of Kamen Rider's Kiwami Tamashii figures, so he's Japanese import levels of poseable! Score. Apart from that, he comes with no accessories, probably because that bit of budget went into making the figure better.

My problems with this figure...
1. His neck (not the head, that's balljointed) has no articulation, and is permanently crooked forward. This makes less action-based poses look a bit odd.
2. The balljoints in the thighs are really hard to explain, but they're fiddly. The ball can rotate to allow the legs to be posed at different angles, but as a result it's fiddly.
3. More of a notice than a flaw; The thigh and shoulder balljoints are TIGHT. They're like ratchet joints, they click into place, and require a little bit of force - moreso than you'd expect on a small figure anyway - to move. Just keep that in mind.
4. As a personal preference, he does not have any way to be used with a display stand, at least by peg. I've whittled a hole (using a flathead screwdriver and some superglue) into his backside to allow my little display stand to work with him, so I've got no problem now.

He's got more good going on for him than bad, that's for sure.

Overall he's a nice little figure. He's worth picking up if you're a fan of the movie design and want a decent figure, sadly I've not seen any sign of a larger one this poseable but he should suffice. He's properly in scale with GI Joes and various other Marvel-related toylines.

I might need to check out more Marvel figures myself...

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