Wednesday, March 24, 2010

[Toys] Motion Revive Series: Kamen Rider 2

  • Originally written January 31st 2010 
  • Picture provided by HobbyLink Japan.  

My friend kagami67 offered some extra figures he had from the Motion Revive series, and I could not pass up the chance to own some primo Kamen Rider merch. Here is the first of the bunch.

Now, let us begin with the angsty half of the iconic Rider duo...

This is probably one of the lesser examples of what the Motion Revive series has to offer. While still a great piece of action figure, he lacks a proper balljointed chest (instead has a swivel at the waist), and per his character doesn't have any real accessories or special extras.

The gimmick he has is just being one of THE first Riders (annnnd promotional merch for the second remake movie, The Next). And depending on how you feel the movies, that can leave you with little need to own him. But regardless, I'm here to say he's a pretty solid piece of toy. What he DOES come with in terms of hands is a pair of fists and a pair of open hands for a type of Rider Chop attack.

Overall, he's a fun figure to own as a freebie. But I'd say he's only worth it if you really like the original Showa era Riders, or like the redone designs of the originals in The First and The Next. And don't make my mistake in owning just one - Riders 1 and 2 feel like they would be more of a package if you owned them together. Myself, I think I will do a review of the movies sometime, but for now I can tell you the good thing is that the designs have a nice modernized look to them, but stay true to the Showa era simplicity and slight goofiness. And really, isn't that what Showa Riders are all about?

Stay tuned for more!

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