Friday, March 18, 2011

[Toys] Transformers Generations: Deluxe Darkmount

I got this guy out of the box of robots and decided to mess around with him for a review. I'm just picking random stuff to review, don't mind me!

As I know it will be obligatory to say, Darkmount is not actually named Darkmount as you'll know if you are not a noob to Transformers. No, his name is Straxus and he dispenses no mercy. He is a character exclusive to the Marvel comics of the 80s and 90s and has been given a toy for the first time in this, the Generations line. From what I understand there's some copyright issue getting in the way of naming him Straxus, so they named him after his fortress. The bio makes it out to be a self-named fortress, which I suppose is a neat way to write around it. But onto the review.

The alt mode is new to Straxus, as he had a non-vehicular form of transformation, which I'll get to in a sec. At first glance, "Oh, another tank, wonderful..." but it's a nice tank! I actually really like the look of it. Especially the whole design aspect of using normal wheels up front with tank treads in the back. Something about that really gets me going on a design perspective. Also featured is Hasbro's usual random homage, in this case there's an "M17" label on the front. This is a reference to issue #17 of the American Marvel comics, where Straxus first premiered.

Also featured with this guy, since he needs a gimmick, are c-clip weapons! A gimmick brought on by the Recon Ironhide toy from Revenge Of The Fallen was to create a weapons system that was usable for various toys which sport c-clip mounts, allowing them to "wear" missile racks and guns like you see on the figure pictured above. These three guns are all very nice and, as said, can be clipped onto a figure that allows for connectivity. Various other figures have come out now with this feature.

A bit of an odd addition to this toy is the use of a third mode. It's an homage to the alt mode he had in the comics, a Galvatron-esque cannon. Honestly, it looks kind of silly and just looks like a poor unfinished tank transformation. But it's a nice thing to work in!

The robot mode is pretty rad. If I had one thing to say against it, I don't like the backpack. It's fiddly and tends to disconnect itself too easily. But that isn't the main focus. The robot mode is an excellent representation of the Straxus design, right down to the triangular logos on the chest and the Vader-like head.

The articulation is very nice. Especially with added things like balljointed wrists, balljointed ankles, and most interesting on Deluxe toys, a joint for the fingers to open and close. Because he kinda needs it due to his weapon.

Before I get to said weapon, I will say the c-clip weaponry still works here, but it seems a bit more limited if you want him to look practical. He's got a mounting point that's now part of a foot, so it's kinda useless down there. Unless you can think of a creative use! It's all up to how you use it.

Now, onto that weapon...

BOOYAH! Making clever use of the tank turret, his weapon is a goddamn pickax! It's very nicely incorporated into the design and is simply awesome because, how many Transformers toys come with a weapon like a pickax? It adds a unique touch to the figure. And is, well, Straxus' weapon, so it's canon.

And that's really all there is to say on the matter.

Overall? Darkmount is a pretty cool guy. He's a nice Deluxe toy, and is an example of what you can expect from the Generations line, and an ongoing example of what happens when you make a toy without forcing a gimmick into it and instead put the budget into quality. Personally I'm looking forward to more Generations.

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